Senin, 04 Mei 2009

bReak thE RecoRds.........................

Break tHe REcoRd - foR you & by yOU...
it is tHe titLE of 4th aLbum fRom KAT-TUN.
PeopLe may wOndeR wHy sucH a titLe??
thE aLbum entitLe Like tHis bcoz tHis titLe wilL also be usEd as tHe titLe theiR conceRt.
tHeiR conceRt wHich was heLd at TokyO DomE wilL be heLd foR 10 days(may15-22 & June 14-15)..
at tHis conceRt, tHey wilL peRformance 8 consecutive days..
bReak tHeiR own RecoRds thAt had a conceRt(QOP) in Tokyo Dome foR 4 consecutive days.
As we knOw, Tokyo Dome is the Largest N mOst pRestigious aRena in japAn.
that faR, KAT-TUN is thE onLy onE in histoRy to do conceRt 8 consecutive days theRe.

stAnding apLause foR KAT-TUN...alL of tHis nOt be sepaRated fRom tHeiR haRdwoRking all of tHis timE. soo, i tHink...bcoz of tHis, vEry reasonabLe wHy i Love tHem :D
i hopE somedAy i cAn go wAtch tHeiR Least oncE in my Life!! yoooosssh.....GanbaRimasu^^

wAnt downLoad tHis album...folLow tHis Link

KAT-Tun daisuki .......^^

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