Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009

bReak the RecoRds conceRt.......[fancam]

I am very sad, happy, in pain, jealous and cuRious while reading a fanreport who watch BTR concert....
sometimes occasionally i cRy when reading the reports, bcoz i Really wAnt 2 watcH it diRectLy T.T
but I am very happy N my cuRious feEL sLightLy ReducEd
bcoz can see the fancam.
some of fancam fRom youtubE tHat i found it...
nOt in HQ but betteR :D

Real face, Le ciel, Murasaki, Six sense & Love or Like

actualLy, i realLy cuRios w/ AKame actiOn in tHat cOnceRt wHen thEy sing thE beginning of "Murasaki" togetHeR...
(bcoz somE of fanRepoRt aLways taLk abOut tHat)
N i'm veRy happy cAn seE it

some of soLo peRfoRmnce(can' be embed):
Kame - 1582
Ueda - 花の舞う街

tHanx 2 upLodeR 4 sHaRing(^o^)/

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