Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

[icons]Jin...BTR con

i don't know why, RecentLy i make a Lot of tHing aboUt Jin than kAme...
nOt mEan tHat i betRayed kAme>.< i stilL tHink kame it's my icHibAn.
mAybe i tRy to opEn my heaRt(litLe) foR Jin to!!!

some icons of jin fRom BTR conceRt^^
not thE bEst, but i hop u Like it...

jin jin jin

nOw i'm soo Lazy to show alL heRe!!
tHis is somE pReview...if u inteRest :D
visit my LJ foR the Rest.

dOuZo ...^^

1 komentar:

joie mengatakan...

tincuii.. gw link ya blognya :)