Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

[icons]Jin...BTR con

i don't know why, RecentLy i make a Lot of tHing aboUt Jin than kAme...
nOt mEan tHat i betRayed kAme>.< i stilL tHink kame it's my icHibAn.
mAybe i tRy to opEn my heaRt(litLe) foR Jin to!!!

some icons of jin fRom BTR conceRt^^
not thE bEst, but i hop u Like it...

jin jin jin

nOw i'm soo Lazy to show alL heRe!!
tHis is somE pReview...if u inteRest :D
visit my LJ foR the Rest.

dOuZo ...^^

Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

walLy, banneRs N icons

i tRy 2 makE somE walL N bannEr in my fRee time wHen i'm teacHing...
somE of tHem fRom oLd pic i Like :D

KAT-TUN(vaRious size)



banneR(vaRious size)


foR DL.......@ my LJ

J & J

Jin...... yaaayyyy!!!

Liat akting Jin & Junno d'yukan cLub.....pasti biqn pRa ce bRteRiak2 kyk gt =p
(tRmasuk gw jg sie...hehehehehe)>
Yukan cLub adalah salah1 doRama yang d'bintangi sama Akanishi Jin & Taguchi Junnosuke daRi KAT-TUN. doRama ini diangkat daRi manga dengan juduL yang sama (bisa dibiLang maNga yang cukup teRkenaL jg...)
haL yang menaRik daRi doRama ini, Junno beRpeRan sebagai seoRang pemuda ketuRunan JeRman-Jepang. seHingga untuk shoOting fiLm ini, dia haRus memiRangkan Rambutnya dan menggunakan softLens(biru). sedangkan Jin, tetap cooL N ganteng sepeRti biasa>.<
seLain kaRena da Jin N Junno....doRama nie kocAk abis, Lumayan juga bisa buat RefResHing kL lg stRess :D jadi kL bkn penggemaR KAT-TUN, ga da saLhny juga nOntn nie doRama (pRomosi mode on =p)

teRtaRik buat nontOn............sinopsis N DL doRama >>>> kLik^^

somE snapsHot of Jin & Junno fRom thAt doRama >>>>kLik^^


yoOo minNa...
4 alL KAT-TUNers in indonEsia N alL fRiEnds admirer japanEse songs, kOnicHiwa (^o^)/
i wAnt a LitLe 2 pRomotE 4 admiRer japanEse songs(hohohoho...)
of couRse i wAnt 2 pRomtE KAT-TUN :D
foR KAT-TUNeRs maybe aLReady knOw abOut tHeiR(KAT-TUN) songs...
bUt foR the geneRaL pubLic, mAybe jUst knOw KAT-TUN is a man gRoup w/ goOd Looking often calLed "boybAnd".
absoLuteLy i can't deny it, bcos it's tRue>.<
bUt, beside alL tHat...tHeiR is a peRsOn w/ muLti taLented N bcoz of tHat theiR songs diffeRent fRom boyband have aLReady exist (pRomosi mode on... :D)
wAnt tRy to heaR it...

(kLik mE)

Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009

bReak the RecoRds conceRt.......[fancam]

I am very sad, happy, in pain, jealous and cuRious while reading a fanreport who watch BTR concert....
sometimes occasionally i cRy when reading the reports, bcoz i Really wAnt 2 watcH it diRectLy T.T
but I am very happy N my cuRious feEL sLightLy ReducEd
bcoz can see the fancam.
some of fancam fRom youtubE tHat i found it...
nOt in HQ but betteR :D

Real face, Le ciel, Murasaki, Six sense & Love or Like

actualLy, i realLy cuRios w/ AKame actiOn in tHat cOnceRt wHen thEy sing thE beginning of "Murasaki" togetHeR...
(bcoz somE of fanRepoRt aLways taLk abOut tHat)
N i'm veRy happy cAn seE it

some of soLo peRfoRmnce(can' be embed):
Kame - 1582
Ueda - 花の舞う街

tHanx 2 upLodeR 4 sHaRing(^o^)/

Selasa, 12 Mei 2009

makE mE want 2 cRy...... T.T

haRi nie pas hunting scAn magazinE aboUt KAT-TUN, dapetin pics kame nie

Reaksi pRtma adalah......
teRiak kyaaaa, OMG>.<
udah Lma banget ga Liat pic kamE yang ekspResinya kayak gni. makin lma d'liat makin jatuh cinta ma kamE....mpe menitikkan aiRmta T.T
gmna kaLo d'tatap langsung dengan ekspResi kyk gt!!??!!
d'tatap kyk gt lewt pic ja udh meLeleh, kL d'tatap langsung....
bisa..bisa..langsung bertekuk lutu d'bawah kaki dy(Lebay mode on)

pengen banget lgsg teRbang k'jepang N nontn konsER meReka(KAT-TUN)!!!!!!

Senin, 04 Mei 2009

bReak thE RecoRds.........................

Break tHe REcoRd - foR you & by yOU...
it is tHe titLE of 4th aLbum fRom KAT-TUN.
PeopLe may wOndeR wHy sucH a titLe??
thE aLbum entitLe Like tHis bcoz tHis titLe wilL also be usEd as tHe titLe theiR conceRt.
tHeiR conceRt wHich was heLd at TokyO DomE wilL be heLd foR 10 days(may15-22 & June 14-15)..
at tHis conceRt, tHey wilL peRformance 8 consecutive days..
bReak tHeiR own RecoRds thAt had a conceRt(QOP) in Tokyo Dome foR 4 consecutive days.
As we knOw, Tokyo Dome is the Largest N mOst pRestigious aRena in japAn.
that faR, KAT-TUN is thE onLy onE in histoRy to do conceRt 8 consecutive days theRe.

stAnding apLause foR KAT-TUN...alL of tHis nOt be sepaRated fRom tHeiR haRdwoRking all of tHis timE. soo, i tHink...bcoz of tHis, vEry reasonabLe wHy i Love tHem :D
i hopE somedAy i cAn go wAtch tHeiR conceRt...at Least oncE in my Life!! yoooosssh.....GanbaRimasu^^

wAnt downLoad tHis album...folLow tHis Link

KAT-Tun daisuki .......^^

Minggu, 03 Mei 2009


#1. Real face
(i didn't include orignL kaRaoke)
Release date: 2006/03/22
tRack List:
1) Real Face
2) GloRia
3) WilL be aLRight

DL Link:
IDWS (320kbps)

#2. SignaL

(i didn't include orignL kaRaoke)

Release date: 2006/07/19
tRack List:
1) SignaL
2) I'll be w/ yoU

DL Link:
IDWS (320kbps)

#3. BokaRa no macHi de

(i didn't include orignL kaRaoke)

Release datE: 2006/07/12
tRack List:
1) BokuRa no macHi de
2) Way of Love
3) Le cieL~Kimi no sHiawasE inoRu kotobA(Xmas veRs.)

DL Link:
(320 kbps)

#4. YoRokobi no utA

(i didn't include orignL kaRaoke)

ReLease datE: 2007/07/06
tRack List:
1) YoRokobi no utA
2) YouR sidE

DL Link:

#5. Keep tHe fAitH

(i didn't include orignL kaRaoke)

ReleasE datE: 2007/11/21
tRack List:
1) Keep tHe fAith
2) cRazy Love
3) Lovin yOu

DL Link:
IDWS (320kbps)

#6. Lips

(i didn't include orignL kaRaoke)

ReleasE datE: 2008/02/06
tRack List:
1) Lips
2) Love
3) Massage 4 u

DL Link:
IDWS (cRedit 2 Kaorublade)

#7. Don't u eveR stOp
(i didn't include orignL kaRaoke)
ReleasE datE: 2008/05/14
tRack List:
2) w/o noticE(LE1) - 亀梨和也
3) 夏の場所(LE1) - 田口淳之介
4) Love juice(LE2) - 赤西 仁
5) PaRasite(LE2) - 田中 聖
6) 愛の華(LE3) - 上田竜也
7) Smack(LE3) - 中丸雄一

DL Link:
IDWS (320kbps)

#8. wHite Xmas

(i included acapelLe veRs.)

ReleasE datE: 2008/12/03
tRack List:
1) wHite Xmas
2) wHite Xmas[oRg. kaRaoke]
3) wHite Xmas[acapelLa veRs.]

DL Link:
IDWS (320kbps)

#9. 1 dRop

(i didn't include orignL kaRaoke)

ReleasE datE: 2009/02/11
tRack List:
1) 1 dRop
2) D-T-S
3) On my mind

DL Link:
IDWS (cRedit 2 Torabone)

#10. RescUe

(fulL tRack...incLude oRginL kaRaoke)

ReleasE datE: 2009/03/11
tRack List:
1) Rescue
2) 7days battLe
3) On youR mind~pLease comE bAck 2 mE

DL Link:
IDWS 1 (cRedit 2 Torabone)
IDWS 2 (cRedit 2 Gametlover)

Pass 4 RaR...LeavE commEnt pLease^^

basEbalL kamE....

kAmenasHi kazuya....
aLmost eveRy peRson i knOw, sAid he is a pRetty mAn.
i dOn't deny it, he is veRy pRetty N cUte :D
bUt, bEdisE alL tHat...he is a veRy adoRabLe & muLti taLented peRson.
tHan actoR, singeR N host...he was aLso goOd in pLay basebalL!!

kame 2004

kame 2005

kame 2006

soo cooL Right....:D
thAts wHy i Love him!!